
Restorative Breakthrough

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Restorative Breakthrough

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Sounds of restoration ring out from a lone drum! From sea to shining sea, the group travels west to east united as one, releasing a frequency of hope. We hear "Wake up! Freedom! Restoration! Breakthrough!" Cheers welcome the convoy as it makes its way from Washington State to Washington D.C.

There's a call... a restoration call that begins with "Wake up!" Breakthrough comes from perseverance - one that's filled with hope and joy. There's no turning back as the sounds of freedom are echoed by all. Frequencies of laughter and giddiness fill the air, welcoming all. There's a knowing that the Divine Creator's voice is heard as a clarion call from a distant clarinet rings out - Yahweh.... Adonai.... Ehyeh-Asher-Ehyeh.

The song ends with a wondering, "Who is this Creator? How can we partner this Creator's plan?" There's an answer... “I am whatever you want Me to be. I am whatever you need Me to be. You cannot know My Essence but we will have a relationship, and you will tell stories about your encounters with Me. None of them will be totally accurate because I am not a concept. I am a living complex reality that can be experienced, but not defined or limited by language. That is Who I Am and Who I Will Be.” (Peter S. Knobel)

This song is a musical story of a group traveling west to east, united in purpose. Through wind, rain, sleet, snow, tornados, they methodically travel to a final unknown destination. All of the rhythms played across the USA are heard in the music. Weather and obstacles along the way attempt to slow the group down. What rings out is a sound of freedom - a freedom that's woken up a sense of fortitude and longing for unity and breakthrough. Out of breakthrough comes restoration. A restorative breakthrough is released across the land, then over the oceans, through the atmosphere, and into the cosmos. Join in with this song of breakthrough that brings restoration to every part of your being - spirit, soul, and body!

May we all be free to live, dream, and step into a personal restorative breakthrough!

Del Hungerford: keyboard, percussion, and clarinet

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A 32-minute instrumental song!

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