Healing at the Cellular Level

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NOTE: When purchasing this course, you'll access the course video clickable links IN the PDF's.

  • Login to your Gumroad account after purchase to download the PDF's. (Remember your password!)
  • If you purchase the VIP sessions, you'll need to download the MP3 audios and PDF with the VIP video sessions, too.

Are you aware that we create “dis-ease” in the body through our words? Did you know that the "frequency" of harmful intents can cause fear and anxiety? Are you on a merry-go-round of frustration and desire to change things? Do you want to understand why things don't always work out? Do you struggle with being consistent so you can get things done?

If you desire answers to these questions, this challenge is for you! 

It all began as a 3-Day challenge on a beautiful August day in 2024. Many joined the live VIP sessions and the Facebook group where they engaged with one another sharing stories, helpful ideas, and much more. New things came out of the challenge that are included in this "course." Do the homework as you have time but... the more consistent you are, the quicker you'll see results!

The goal? Bring the spirit, soul, and body into a harmonious "oneness" so that our entire being resonates with the strongest frequency of Perfect Love all the way to the cellular level of your being. In the challenge, we did that through activating the imagination as we sat in that pool of Perfect Love that overrides and then overwrites negativity. We then carried that frequency and released it throughout the body.

The result? The more we are consistent with functioning from the place of Perfect Love, the greater our physical and emotional self functions from a place of rest, peace, joy, and love... all the way to the cellular level of our being. In turn, that brings physical healing to those places where it's needed! With practice, patience, and perseverance, our bodies will heal themselves through marinating Perfect Love.

You'll receive the following for $20:

  • Session 1: Frequency Cliff Notes
  • Session 2: Power of Intention
  • Session 3: Shifting Mindsets
  • Session 4: Practical Application
  • Session 5: Q&A session that includes an activation!
  • Emotional Roots of Physical Symptoms chart (PDF)
  • Access to the Facebook group to interact with others.

You'll receive the following for $75:

  • All the above plus...
  • Three VIP zoom calls where we discuss questions from the challenge and go over specific issues from the Emotional Roots of Physical Symptoms. At the end of each session is an activation which led to the creation of specific audio activations...
  • An MP3 song for background music to do your own activations borrowed from the Song of the Month subscription (August 2024).
  • One MP3 voice-over activation where you're walked through releasing love into all the gateways of your being.
  • One MP3 voice-over activation where you marinate in Perfect Love and release Love into your physical body.
  • A PDF copy of Del's most recent book, Transforming Mindsets
  • The entire VIA Character and Passions course (4 lessons valued at $20) where you take an inventory of your strengths, passions, and character traits.
  • Access to the Facebook group to engage with others.

NOTE: PDF's have been modified from what's on the original challenge videos since the challenge is now over. ALL VIDEO LINKS ARE EMBEDDED INTO THE VARIOUS PDF's AND ARE CLICKABLE which is how you'll access the teaching videos. A full course description is on the webpage...

Course Webpage

NOTE: You'll want to get on the special email list that includes all updates for every course, coupons, invitations to events with limited enrollment, and more...

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FOUR video teachings, access to a Facegroup group to work with others, and a PDF with lesson materials

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Healing at the Cellular Level

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